1 min read

Find out the reasons why Gen. Z young adults are suffering record high levels of anxiety, and what parents can do help their children.
When it comes to generation of young adults and teenagers, many claim they are suffering from record high levels of anxiety. In fact, research shows that 90% percent of all Gen. Z mental health diagnoses are for anxiety, with over half of those diagnosed saying their anxiousness hit an all time high this past year. The questions are why is this occurring, and what can be done to solve it? Dr. Phil will speak with 15 year old Sevey who says her anxiety about her future, the world around her, and what she faces on social media can at times be hard to deal with. Plus, Dr. Phil will meet Ryelee who says the anxiety and panic attacks she battles as a Gen. Z young adult can be triggered by anything , from news about a mass shooting ,to just thinking about her future. Dr. Phil will also speak with Sevey’s mother, Laura, who has dedicated her life to helping her daughter, and others struggling with anxiety. Find out why she believes parents can either be part of the problem OR part of the solution to help an anxious generation. Plus, Dr. Phil will speak world renowned Physician and Psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Amen, who says Gen. Z has reached epidemic levels of anxiety diagnoses. Find what he believes are the top threats to children becoming anxious.