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Tainted Teachings: Indoctrinated To Hate

Monday, April 1, 2024

Season 1 | Episode 1

Dr. Phil talks to the son of Hamas leader about the complexities of the Hamas-Israel conflict. Pro-Palestinian activist students and a Jewish college student debate anti-semitism on campus.

Dr. Phil dives headfirst into the heated debate between Israel and Palestine regarding the current conflict ignited by the Oct. 7th attacks by Hamas. Former Hamas member and son of Hamas co-founder, Mosab Yousef discusses the atrocities of Hamas and what Pro-Palestinian students protesting on U.S. college campuses are demonstrating in favor of. Two pro-Palestinian activists from the University of Michigan say Israel is to blame for the violence we are seeing today. A Jewish student from SMU says she feels sickened by the increased antisemitism she's experienced and witnessed since the Hamas attacks. Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, Executive Vice President of the New York Board of Rabbis, says students today are being taught "Jew Hatred." Dr. Phil asks the tough questions and shares exactly where he stands in this conflict.


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