Tonight’s topic can be summed up in 5 words. Should. student. loans. be. forgiven?
Tonight’s topic can be summed up in 5 words. Should. student. loans. be. forgiven? 5 words that have divided many, and sparked outrage, and even protests at the foot of the Supreme Court. Dr. Phil speaks with Dr. Shamell Bell, who says the debt for her higher education, including a PhD, adds up to 250,000 dollars. She says the day to begin paying her loans back is looming, leaving her in a panic. Dr. Phil will also speak with Bradley who says he has $147,000 dollars in student loan debt, and says there have been times when the stress of his payments has destroyed his life. The debate heats up when Dr. Phil adds, Xaviaer who is a college graduate, who says he worked hard to ensure he never had a college loan and does not support forgiveness That was Carrie Sheffield, a senior policy analyst at the Independent Women's forum who says she is adamantly opposed to the president's student loan forgiveness plan.